Cycling To A Slimmer You

Cycling is a healthy, low-impact exercise that people of all ages can enjoy. It is also fun, cheap and good for the environment. It is a great way to get some good aerobic exercise. For it to be effective, and to lose weight, schedule…

Swim With Your Pet

According to research published in the ‘American Journal of Public Health’, people who have dogs have as much as 77% higher odds of getting enough physical activity as compared with those who don’t have dogs. Swimming is an excellent,…

Dumbbells are a good choice

Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue does. That’s why, developing muscle mass is a key factor in any weight loss journey. Dumbbells are perfect for people of all fitness levels to get started building muscle. There are a number…

Dry Herbs Right

Some herbs retain their taste and scent after drying better than others. For hard herbs like thyme, rosemary, lime leaves, lemongrass, curry leaves or bay leaves, rinse and pat dry, and then gather and tie the stems together with string.…

Serve Yourself

Researchers from the University of Southern California (USC) believe that the less physically involved we are in serving ourselves food, the more easily we deny responsibility for unhealthy eating or large portions. Serving yourself is…