Fitness On A Budget

Your ability to work out is not limited by what equipment you have. If you don’t have a budget for a fancy gym try this for fitness on a budget in the comfort of your home:

Doorway pull-up bar – Go for a bar that can be hung in a door frame. It is modestly priced and is useful for upper back exercises as well as for attaching things like gymnastic rings or ab straps.

Water jug dumbbells – Gallon jugs filled with various levels of water should give you perfectly working dumbbells. The varying quantities of water will give you the weights you need.

Resistance bands – They are also portable so you can take them with you on the go and get in a workout even while travelling. If your at-home gym is only a corner of your bedroom, a set of bands might be the only thing you need.

Workout bench – It can add versatility to weight training and be used to make workouts safer, target specific muscles, and improve posture. The edge of your bed or the armrest of your couch is just fine.

Jump rope – They’re an excellent source of cardio, and can even be used for strength depending on the type of rope you buy. They are cheap, portable, and easy to store anywhere.