Browsing Category

Pet Weight

Healthy Kitty!

If you have a finicky cat, try making a fish kibble at home. Canned mackerel would be great because it has an intense flavour that will entice your pet to eat. It is also rich in Omega-3. If you can’t have mackerel, try salmon or sardines.…

What’s Your Pet Eating?

Just as with human food, don’t let terms like ‘Whole Foods’ or ‘Natural’ or ‘Takes years off your dog’, ‘Increases energy and vitality’ etc fool you when it comes to pet food. Look at the labels carefully, and check for inaccurate or…

Swim With Your Pet

Leaving aside short-legged, long bodied breeds like Dachshunds and Scottish Terriers most dogs love water. This makes water-based workouts with your dog fun and rewarding. It will also give them a good workout. Introduce swimming…