Is Home Exercise Really Effective?

If you’re overweight and find it difficult to exercise in a gym due to a busy schedule or discomfort of exercising with others who might be fitter, leaner than you, home exercise is a good option. Contrary to the common belief that it is not as effective as gym sessions, there is research that shows that exercising at home can help your weight loss goals. With the right equipment and the right approach, you can lose weight at home, without the expense and inconvenience of a gym. Results published in the ‘International Health Review’ show that people who do home-based workouts have significant difference in body fat percentage, visceral fat percentage, waist circumference and body mass index. Use a treadmill, exercise bike, and jumping rope, which can give you a whole-body workout and help burn calories. If you want to tone up your muscles, the loop and elastic bands will enhance your resistance. Dumbbells can help you build muscular mass for specific muscles. The equipment mentioned here doesn’t need much space to store. It is ideal to mix and combine various types of training and use different equipment to have an effective workout at home.