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Don’t Skip Dessert

You might feel guilty to treat yourself to dessert when you're trying to lose weight, but depriving yourself of treats completely can lead to binging. Instead, portion out one serving of your favorite treat and enjoy it every day. Eating…

Why Diets Don’t Work

Being on a diet increases our sensitivity to food cues. Some people begin to notice foods they otherwise would have ignored. When you’re a dieter, you are forced to be restrained eaters, and resisting food may become increasingly difficult…

Forget About Dieting!

Instead, just get active. You will probably live longer by getting fit rather than getting thin. Give up as many motorised trips as possible. Instead, walk, skate, cycle, and use the stairs. Walk or bike through the neighborhood, join or…

Don’t Give Up Carbs

Cutting carbs is considered to be a cornerstone of most diets but eating almost no carbohydrates, in the pursuit of weight loss, can be a mistake. Your body can start burning muscle tissue for energy, which produces toxins and makes fat…