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Eat To Lose Pounds

Don't skip meals. You should have at least three meals a day, but five small meals will help you drop weight faster. This lifestyle change will keep you from getting hungry during the day and overeating, and eating wrong foods, out of…

Drink To Your Health

Start off your day with a fresh, clean glass of water. This will help your body to get going. A glass of water wakes up all the digestive juices in your body which gets it well lubricated. You could add a squeeze of lemon juice to it. Also,…

Count Calories!

Counting calories is a good idea when you choose prepacked foods. Read labels. They will have the calories on the packaging. Pay attention to serving sizes in terms of calories as well. Most packets have at least two servings, so you have…

Is Food Addiction Real?

Do you blame staying overweight on ‘food addiction’? Although a clinical condition known as ‘binge eating disorder’ does exist, it is extremely rare, affecting less than 3% of obese people. Behavioural scientists are concerned that some…

Top Tips For Getting Fit

Commit yourself. Get moving! Just do it! There is no need to wait for the new year, the first of the next month or a Monday. It’s important that you commit to your fitness goals. Set short-term goals. Having something specific to aim…

The Dangers Of Diet Drinks

If you choose diet or low-calorie fizzy soft drinks because you believe that they’re a healthier option than the sugary full-calorie versions, here’s some news for you. Research suggests that these diet fizzy drinks could increase your risk…